BRossi Piece, 2021-2022; Chalk on paper, paint on plastic and melted/cut glass and mirror, assemblage, plexiglass frames, wood frame (by Paradise Framing, LA) with painted linen; 36x24x5 inches. Photography by Brica Wilcox.
Toe Piece, 2021-2022; Chalk on paper, paint on plastics and melted cut mirror, glass assemblage, homemade fiber-optic, cords, wood frame (by Paradise Framing, LA); 26x19x3½ inches. Photography by Brica Wilcox.
Dying over Facetime, 2021-2022; Chalk on paper, paint on plastic, paint and oil on cut and melted mirror, oil paint on light fixture with borosilicate tubes, wood and metal frame (by Paradise Framing, LA); 38x24x4 inches. Photography by Brica Wilcox
Leg Piece, 2021-2022; Chalk on paper, paint on plastic and melted cut mirror, cord, wood frame (by Paradise Framing, LA), slumped glass (Second Best Studio, LA). Leg Piece Baseboard, 2021; oil paint on slumped glass (Second Best Studio, LA), chalk on paper; 36x24x3½ inches
VW Piece, 2021-2022; Chalk on paper, paint on mirror, plastic and borosilicate tubes, cord, mallet, metal armature (fabricated by Charles Mathis); 21x26x7 inches. Photography by Brica Wilcox
Maradona Piece, 2021-2022; Chalk and marker on paper, paint on plastic and glass, wood frame (by Paradise Framing, LA); 39x23x1 inches. Photogrphy by Brica Wilcox.
Tongue Thruster Piece, 2020-2022; Chalk on paper, marker on rubber, plastic carpet, paint on plastic, melted, cut and manipulated mirror with paint, cord, borosilicate wand, borosilicate light fixture, plexiglass frame; 24x36x3½. Tongue Thruster Baseboard, 2021; Etched and polished flash glass; 7x40x4 inches. Photography by Brica Wilcox.
Thai Hotel, 2021-2022; Chalk on paper, paint on plastic, melted, cut and etched mirror (thanks to Second Best Studio, LA), and wood frame (by Paradise Framing, LA); 26x24x1 inches. Photography by Brica Wilcox
Installation view
Installation view
Installation view. Photography by Brica Wilcox
Glass Vibraphone IV, 2021-2022; Borosilicate tubes, metal armature (fabricated by Charles Mathis), mallet; 21x28x7 inches. Photography by Brica Wilcox.
Still Learning! 2022; Chalk on paper; 90x48 inches.Installed at Irenic projects. Photography by Brica Wilcox
Oh Shit, 2022; Chalk on paper; 88x48 inches. Installed at Irenic projects. Photography by Brica Wilcox
Too Soon, 2022, Chalk on paper; 48x123 inches
To Tell, 2022; Chalk on paper; 48x125 inches Installed at Irenic projects. Photography by Brica WilcoxPhotography by Brica Wilcox.